The most notable historical event that took place during the adventures of Team Avatar was the Hundred Year War, the subsequent Harmony Restoration Movement, and the Southern Reconstruction Project. However, after the creation of the Avatar, the lion turtles renounced their roles as protectors of mankind, and the people were left to make their own homes scattered across the world, which eventually led to the division of the world into the four nations. Whenever the inhabitants of their cities would venture into the Spirit Wilds, the creatures would bestow the people with the ability to bend the element the turtle was affiliated with the power was to be returned upon their reentry to the city. Prior to the Avatar's creation, lion turtles served as the protectors of mankind, allowing the humans to erect cities atop their shells. The history of this world can be roughly divided into two parts, the time before the Avatar and the time of the Avatar. This article lists historical events in a timeline. The world has an extensive history dating back more than twenty thousand years.